• We live and we die every day and night,
    We have a friend who's embrace is so tight.
    His name his Fear, his day's never complete,
    Clouds surround him bringing rain snow &sleet.
    We cower and cry when he knocks at our door,
    He brings Hell with him,compainons forevermore.

    We speak of his name with sorrow and hate,
    While he waits for us at Heaven's gate.
    We want to stay away from him on a bad rainy day,
    Even thpugh he wants us to come out and play.
    Our children are afraid of the amn named Fear,
    When they hear of him, their eyes fill up with tears.

    We walk and talk with the man named Fear,
    When he speaks he speaks for all to hear.
    He says 'I am the man named Fear,
    'Come one come all I bring truths for all to hear.'
    'I am around you every day and night,'
    'You,you,&you will always live in fright.'

    'I will be with you when you are ready to die'
    'You will think of me in your deathbed where you lie.'
    He leaves us to think about what he said,
    It settles at the back of our minds, until we are dead.
    We always move on week-by-week, day-by-day,
    The saying of Fear will remain, until the Day of Days*