• People who think they know me
    need to shut up.

    knowing my favorite color
    is not enough

    knowing who my friends are
    is not enough

    knowing what instrument I play
    is not enough

    knowing my favorite food
    is not enough

    knowing who I like and love
    is not enough

    Knowing my favorite band
    is not enough

    knowing my favorite book
    is not enough

    knowing how many people I've dated
    is not enough

    knowing how many times I've been dumped
    is not enough

    knowing I'm smart
    is not enough

    knowing my little quarks and putting up with them
    is not enough

    knowing my dress size
    is not enough

    knowing how to make me laugh FOR REAL
    is enough

    knowing when I need space but won't give it to me cuz you care too much
    is enough

    knowing when I need your love
    is enough

    knowing that when I cry for you it's real
    is enough

    knowing how to make me smile when the whole world seems dead
    is enough

    knowing my love is strong and real no matter what
    is enough

    knowing how playing music makes me feel
    is enough

    knowing my heart is true, always and forever
    is enoguh

    If you don't know any of that know-it-all

    Then your a know-it-all who knows NOTHING!