• See your face in the mirror
    Scream in horror
    And what do we have here?
    What is this monster you look at in fear?

    Who is that girl?
    She stares back with eyes
    Darker than black; they desperately try
    To find one, just one, hint of beauty
    Among the sea of hate

    So confused
    With a look so blue
    The girl in the mirror
    Is that really you?
    You turn away, in disgust
    Decided to kill the girl; it is a must

    Throwing a fist, punching the glass
    Shards of light fall to the floor
    The girl in the mirror is no more
    Staring at you, a blank wall stands
    Red blood stains your once white hands

    The mirror is now in broken shards
    Their pure white glass, now dark as blood
    No light will shine upon their faces
    They lay still as night in their fallen places

    You feel no pain, feel no gain
    From smashing the girl in the mirror
    You pick up a glass, wipe off the red
    And stare at the reflection

    You see no monster
    No hideous girl
    But instead a face, fresh as snow
    Hair slightly askew, with a curl
    Eyes black as night, yet pure as rain
    A sudden rush, not of pain
    But of the sudden beauty gained