• I can be weird at times, I Say things hurtfull and I'm clueless. I don't understand why but im a foolish girl but im only like that around you. I can be so random but when im with you im lost its hard not to be. I always want to help you even though at times I know i can't. Sometimes I make it worse and I'm sorry for that. Im not that smart I don't try to be. I just wanna see you smile and i wan't you to understand that. I feel pain when You're feeling hurt and i hate it...I know you know that it does and so you hide it.The smile you have makes me lose it, you smile sometimes when we were together it almost seemed you didn't wan't to stop. Where did i go wrong why can't i make life better for you. maybe im not the one for you,but till the day i have to leave im here for you. Nothing can change that so don't think its your fault. because its not. I love you, and that wont ever change... heart heart