• Live and let die,
    how will you know if you don't try.
    Don't let them hold you back,
    ignore their reminders of what you lack.
    Just sigh and pull yourself together,
    remember that this won't last forever.
    When it all get's to be to much,
    take a step back, drop the blade you clutch.
    Somewhere someone needs you,
    it's not time for your life to be through.
    As much as your hurting inside,
    you still take it all in stride.
    Your stronger than you think,
    though they say your the weakest link.
    Keep your head held high,
    even if they make you cry.
    Live for the moment,
    act like you own it.
    Yea their gonna hurt you,
    but your real friends will stay true.
    So when they make you cry,
    remember to live and let die.