• tab tab I wake up in my flowery bed, I get dressed in a short -not too short- purple dress. I walk down to the river. I see my old dairy cow Bess. I also see my friends. Kareena! They shout. I smile back and say Hey. We run up to the meadows, smelling sweet and fresh. We run into it with glee. Our princes are waiting, each one smiling. We all say our good-bye's, then we each go our separate ways. As twilight falls, my prince takes me to a garden. We sit on a vine swing. We hear croaks from the lake, we see firefly's. We smile to each other, nothing to say, we already know we love each other dearly. As midnight comes, we each go to our own kingdom. I meet up with my best friend when I was on my way home, she was smiling and I saw in her hand, a crystal rose. Her ears where smiling, staring at me. A big sweet smile on her face. Her prince purposed to her. I just knew he would. The next day I get up, I put on a white tank-top and shorts. I go deep into the woods listening to wild-life, sketching on my sketch-pad. I write a few poems. Oh on, i'm late! I run to the castle, pull on a flowing white dress. I watch my best friend marry. Then after a few hours me and her, go on a ride of our white doves, we're both wearing a spunky top, splatter paint shoes and some Krazy Kute jeans. We fly until one in the morning, we fly down to our kingdoms. I get into my flowery bed, think of the next day when i'll become a chanter. That night I couldn't sleep. I got on my silk dress and went to see Anna-B, my Chanter trainer.