• The warmongers in their sacred Reich
    With no comprehension of what it's like

    To perish for another ideal vanity
    Gutters lined with death, for insanity

    Black skied, brooding, virulent epoch
    Battle wrought infernos with massing stock

    Bodies catapulted against a flesh wall
    Memory stripped sides, forgotten fall

    Their unsanctioned actions were justified
    As long as the children never cried

    Opposing cavalry blend for indulgence to see
    into an indistinguishable red marquee

    And as the final soldier stood in awe
    Conviction through faith his only flaw

    Not knowing the reason for this dystopia
    A case of forced martyr amnesia

    Ascending to the corpse summit edifices
    Snakes emerging from his orifices

    To preach a frightening truth for all the ghosts
    Embryonic captor, apathetic host

    Morbidly translated tale of liars who were tirelessly building
    Eventual spiritual demise, moral Golgotha instilling

    Crafted lucidly with traditionalist care
    Betray the church, who would dare?

    Droning for ages as rot turns to dust
    Slating the crows in their anaphoric lust

    The sky shreds open and begins to flood
    but what next comes is not savior's blood

    Just another rain embracing faceless gray
    the skeletons can't feel the cynical chilling fray

    Encompassing moss clings to dehydrated marrow
    Relics to hell's short ruling of rusted harrow

    All these lives that were religiously sold or bought
    What an anticlimactic waste, all suffering for naught