• What is love?
    I can tell you what it's not.
    Harbored animosity on feelings soon forgot.
    Stretching of the truth concerning yearnings you once sought.
    Esteem left tattered by the beholder of your treasures.
    Insecurities of the actions which you pleasure.
    A wilted platform on which you, yourself, are bestowed.
    A flint left of fire which once, passionately red, glowed.
    An unparalleled falseness in how you truly feel.
    Backstabbing a love which was claimed unreal.
    A heart selfishly given, left to wither and crack.
    Proclaiming your love, yet quickly turning your back.

    What is love?

    It's not that.

    But despite of what I gave..

    That's what I got in return.

    I gave love.

    You gave regrets.