Curse me and this letter....
My tragity, or my endless story might fill this void, but sadly It does not. I sit here lost in thought, and not able to sleep on this cold winter's night. I call this my curesed lvoe note, for it may shead light on the resons we fall in love. I was swept away in feelings; then elft to waste away. I was told I was perfect, then told that I was beautiful in every way they could see. Then a few weeks came and passed, and then I was told someone better had come alone. My close fiend, like my sister, who said I belonged. He came back not to long after asking for me back, and I was as stupid enough to fall for it once more. I'm sick of trying, and am hurting from this pain. He who has left for so long, worries me. I know this sounds stupid, and I may come to find later that this is all a lie, but I really did try. I did my best to please him, but he always turned his back to me. Yes, I am thy fool for love. I was stupid to believe those lies in which I was told. He said he loved me, and offered me the world. I never thought he ment it, and Iw as right in the end. He made me hurt people, and do horrible things. I finally drew the line and he only had to move me from his way. I was stuck in bad choosing actually al lthe time. It was beacause he couldn't make up his bloody mind. He'd run off with some girl I had known, but come back saying: "I need you, and I swear it's the last time." or "I love you, and only you can save me." I picked a side without him, and wlaked away. My cursed love letter's secret is that I still love him. I miss him every day, and want nothing mroe to be home. I miss the way he held me. I don't want to be alone, as the way in which he's made me feel. I love you I admit it... heart heart heart heart heart
Curse me and this letter....
This is the tale of a girl, her hateful lover, and the letter in which she wrote him.
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