• What I think todaaaaaaaaaay...

    People are cruel to everybody around them no matter what they did.
    I don't get the point of gangs? All they do is going around killing each other for no good reason
    Im what the freakin' crap!? What the freakin' crap!?

    Brittney Spears is total tramp, and only comes out hiding when she below 90 lbs! What the freakin' crap!? What the freakin' crap!?

    A super battery, that you can count on, for your electronics...
    Energizer, energizer, energizer baby! - sound familiar -

    I can never get the heart the girl that I like.
    I feel like I have been trampled on by a T-Rex!
    What the freakin' crap!? What the freakin' crap!? WHAT THE FREAKIN' CRAP!?

    Tyra Banks thinks she is so stinkin' smart, just cause she likes the way she looks. What the freakin crap!?