• This is what I see:

    'Hi. How are you?'
    'I'm good.'
    'That's nice.'
    'How are things going?'
    'That's good.'
    'Gotta go.'
    'K. I'll see you later.'
    'Okay. Love you.'

    Is this love?

    I see this every day.
    Not a care in that voice.
    Not the passion that I should hear.
    I don't hear the love.
    It's not there.
    The voice is empty.
    As empty as their heart.

    Is this love?

    A kiss without passion.
    A swift embrace.
    Not a glance as they pass.
    No flowers at Valentines.
    No gift on a birthday.
    No distant look in their eyes
    as they talk about their last kiss.

    Is this love?

    Love should be:

    A fire in your belly.
    A catch in your throat.
    A passionate kiss
    under the moon lit sky.
    A look in your eyes
    that you can't find anywhere else.
    The look of love.

    This is love.

    He's hand brushes yours
    as you pass each other.
    Her eyes light up
    when you smile at her.
    Your face burns red
    as he tells you that he loves you.
    He is all that you dream.

    This is love.

    'Hey, are you okay?
    She was pretty harsh.'
    'She just got to me, that's all.'
    'What can I do?'
    'Just be there.'
    'Yah. I love you.'
    'You'd have to to stand my ugly face.'
    *Laugh*'Yah right. You're just saying that so that I don't cry.'
    'Yah. I don't like to see you cry. It makes me feel like I'm doing a bad job.'
    'A bad job at what?'
    'At making you happy.'

    This is what love should be.