• A blank slate, Tabula Rasa,
    Pure except one work writ,
    Antihero is my name.
    But society you come
    To my shinning surface for vanity’s sake.
    I am but a mirror reflecting you,
    Your sins become me, it seems.
    And look for I shall show you.
    See your lust, your greed, and your hate!
    Your deceit twisted round on itself,
    Like a coiled mass of snakes.
    And when you temper cools,
    You see you sorrow, your doubt, and your pain.
    You tremble, take up arms,
    And by opposing try to end me.
    But I am life and death,
    And you shall not kill me
    With words of poison, or your stones of judgment
    Or with the grief that you have planted
    In my own heart, defilers of my Eden.
    For I will find one as innocent as I,
    The man who sees truth through his blind eyes.
    And he will know the love and compassion,
    That will forever be beyond your reach.
    And you will hate me more for it,
    But I will live.