• Adrift and alone with you

    On an endless sea.

    Stuck in a boat with you

    ‘Cause the world lies in ruins.

    Should we be together forever

    As was planned?

    Or should we go on like nothing

    Ever happened between us?
    You took my life from me and I took yours;

    A life for a life.

    And we’re both here now

    So let’s make the most of it.

    Why am I tormented so

    By you who took me from myself?

    Everything went wrong

    Because you chose another.

    You chose another because I didn’t satisfy you.

    Was she better?
    Was she worth it when she left you in ruins?
    Now your eyes are downcast and sad,

    Full of anger and grief,

    But there’s nothing I can do

    Or will do.

    ‘Cause you left me to the nothing.

    The endless sea consumes my thoughts

    For every day, night, second, and minute.

    For an hour my eyes wander to your face

    And I think, What did I ever see in you?

    The answer to this is simple.
    I saw a dear friend;

    One that thought friendship could never be enough

    And someone who could love me.

    But I was wrong

    And nothing can change that

    ‘Cause I won’t be broken ever again.

    Broken is how you left me.

    Torn, broken, collapsed,

    I wasn’t myself.

    I can never be myself

    With you around me.

    You surround me in life;

    You surround me in my mind.

    I can’t help but dream about you,

    I can’t help but think about you,

    I can’t help anything about you.

    Everything is wrong!

    You were supposed to be mine!
    But you’ll never see what was meant to be;

    What should have happened

    Because the world is lost on you.

    The world is lost,

    I am lost.

    I am nothing.