• If you ever get lost look under a bed
    There lives a dust bunny who's name is Fred
    Dust bunnies are evil and like to fight
    So watch out for Fred, he carries a knife

    When you ask for his help it comes at a price
    So if you say yes, You loose part of your life
    But if you say no you must wander alone
    Unless your the guy who plays W.O.W. and says PWN

    So if you are then go ahead and say yes
    You'll soon find out that his directions are the best
    You'll arrive at your destination soon before long
    But Fred will lead you and sing you his song

    When you get to the place you desire Fred will say bye
    Soon after that you fall over and cry
    The song that he sung was beautiful and deep
    So you get back up and follow his feet

    You arrive back at the bed, tired and confused
    But you ask Fred to sing to be amused
    After he's done, you're once again lost
    But the song that he sung came with a cost

    You pay the price and ask him to lead
    But on the way there you fall in some leaves
    You try to move but can't even blink
    You look towards Fred and he looks at you and winks

    The song that I sung, The directions I gave
    Cost you your life, My god you're naive
    your soul is mine and keep it I shall
    For the life you gave me will serve me well

    It will last me long and keep me young
    Now for someone else my song will soon be sung

    By: Breeze A.K.A. xXx_Paradox_xXx