• Could you spare a peice of paper friend?

    Because I need to write it down.

    Not just it...everything.

    I need to write down my hopes of marrying an author some day

    so that maybe he'll write me stories of false hope and overcoming ignorance

    and the two people I just want to get it together and kiss already

    will be happy and together until armegedon

    and maybe I'll be reminded of our days

    sitting at Pantera Bread

    with my head on your shoulder

    and our hands tied into a delicate knot

    with torn up copies of American classics sitting in our laps

    because to spill our tea and stain perfection would just be a waste of ink and paper

    and perfectly good tea.

    I need to write why your gaze holding mine feels so good

    and how black has always been my favorite color,

    because it makes it impossible to see too far ahead

    and makes everything a surprise.

    I need to write how ramen

    just doesn't taste the same

    unless it is poked and stabbed with chopsticks first.

    I need to write how I can fall asleep in the echo of your voice

    at two o'clock in the morning

    even while drinking coffee shop toxins

    and thinking there is still so much to do today.

    I need to get it out of my head

    before I burst into

    a million peices of me

    and I'm baked into a pie

    like that poor anonymus ignoramus

    in Sweeney Todd

    Which I have already seen twice this week.

    I need to pour it out of my veins before temptation gets the best of me

    and taints these words with teenage perversion

    and they come tumbling out in the form of "your mom" jokes...that's what she said.

    Can you spare a peice of paper friend?

    Because I need to write it down.