• I love him, I miss him
    I have him, I lost him
    He made me happy
    He made me sad
    He made me smile
    He made me cry

    He said he love me
    He said he need me
    I didnt know wat to say
    Except giving him my heart
    He was my mr. right
    He was my life

    Who knew the very next day
    He left me and my life
    He would not come back
    Tht's wat his letter said
    My tears leaked slowly
    My heart broke quickly

    The pain went through my skin
    Then deep down to my bones
    Now without a heart
    I can love no one
    i really want to hate him
    But I cant do it

    one day he came back
    and said sorry to me
    but my feelings are gone
    so i told him to leave
    he explained why he left me
    and i told him
    "My feelings are gone,
    Let's just be friends from now on."

    He left without a word
    I saw his eyes were red
    I really want him back
    But my conscience tell me "DONT"
    So we each went our own way
    And have our own life.