• "Mirror, mirror on the wall,
    who's the fairest of them all?"
    You may ask your magic glass,
    don't be shocked it's not your a**.
    Beauty is only skin deep,
    and your soul, it makes me weep.
    You may talk up a good game,
    but in time it's all too lame.
    Your excuses drive me nuts,
    hearing your if's, and's or but's.
    Who do you think are your friends?
    Cause for me it all depends.
    Do they treat me with respect?
    Since this is what I expect.
    Do they tell me how they feel?
    Can I tell them whats the deal?
    Then I look at who you are,
    and just think its so bizarre.
    You're still you from long ago,
    all this time you did not grow.
    Lessons that you should have learned,
    sit untouched and I'm concerned.
    You push away all who care,
    leaving me to sit and stare.
    Patience may be a virtue,
    mine's all gone dealing with you.
    People wonder why I'm here,
    it's just something that I fear.
    That you'll fall and not get up,
    drowning in your coffee cup.
    Losing hope and all despair,
    ripping out your eyes and hair.
    I realize I can't save all,
    feeling helpless and so small.
    Watching life wasting away,
    frustration I can't convey.
    Choices that I cannot make,
    are the roads you seem to take.
    Talking behind someone's back,
    you should know what's the impact.
    Think before you speak out loud,
    get your head out of the cloud.
    Your words hurt, your actions sting.
    Don't expect your phone to ring.
    I won't call ever again,
    I won't be your mother hen.
    Don't come crying at my door,
    all I'm saying is, no more!