• They run through the field, hand in hand, leaping over the large gray stones, landing in swaying green grass. Their clear voices ring out in shouts of pure joy as they skip lightly through the wildflowers. The cherub-like girl points ahead to a bubbling brook; she knows that they will be able to get a cool drink of clear water there. The rosy-cheeked boy realizes what she is focusing on and grins a pearly smile.
    They agree to a race – the winner gets to choose the next game to play – and settle into their runner’s poses. The boy holds his hand up like a pistol; at his signal, the race begins.
    Sunlight gleams off of the girl’s blonde curls as they bounce upon her back. The young boy’s fine hair stands on end, blown by the wind…They reach their destination and collapse to the springy ground in giggles. Too exhausted and breathless to move, they simply lay back and watch the clouds