• just kill me now
    ill beg
    ill plead
    ill go on my knees
    just put me out of this misory

    The promise to keep my heart safe was a lie
    my heart riped out into peices, and didnt even leave one peice of my heart whole

    laying on the floor tryng to hold my self together
    screamig, crying, cant breath no more

    ill do anything to not feel anymore
    to not feel my heart being riped peice by peice slowly tearing my heart into shreads

    my tears turn to differnet colors that would kill me if i didnt want to die
    first clear as cystal water
    A hint of dark blue just befor the air hits my blood n turns it red
    then light pink, just barly mixed with blood
    into bloody red. barly tears anymore just streams of blood down my body now

    if some one cared about me they would just end my misory quickly
    ive been torchered by this for to long
    im shocked im still alive
    maybe Death wont take me now because Death wants me to suffer just a moment longer
    just to see my face twisted in agony

    Why wont the blood stop and Death come
    Not caring where i go just as long as im not here
    not any where to the One who did this to me

    Kill me once isnt enough
    killing me twice is just pleaser to Death
    killing me three times should be enough for a lifetime too but it isnt
    so killing me four times, will that be enough to end this now an take me away from my bloody misory of a unforgiving so called life....

    so please
    i beg you now
    ill plead every moment
    ill go on my knees
    just please kill me now and end this forever

    End Me Forever