It starts when they all go to sleep.
    Then, ten or so hours later, It happens.
    Quietly but surely, the rays of the sun break through the horizon.
    And one by one I hear the chirps, coos, tweets, and caws of those small winged creatures.
    As I hear that noise I suddenly see the extremely small speckle of people here and there.
    Then, a little while after that, the quiet roaring of those engines trotting on by.
    And amongst the mist of it all, right on the dot, every time, I hear that blaring cry of those metallic trains.
    When all of this has finished it is then that the people come in groups more lively than ever, the engines roar as loud as they can, the chirps, coos, tweets, and caws have died, but most of all the cry of those trains, which have signaled the awakening, have died along with them, when the city awoke that day,
    Or at least until night came once more.