• The stars in the night,
    are as red as the blood in my veins.
    The sky in the day,
    is as black as the heart.
    The cloudys in he dawn,
    are as gray as the mind.
    The silence that fells the soul,
    is as quiet as outer space.
    This is the poin of
    No return
    When you lose yourself,
    When you lose all hope,
    When you lose all faith,
    When you lose all feelings
    When you feel no more pain,
    You have reached the point of
    No return
    No one can help,
    No one will listen,
    No one understands,
    No one bothers,
    No one cares,
    You have reached the point of
    No return
    When life is gone,
    When loneliyness sets in,
    You relize,
    You haven't been that good of
    a friend.
    When you walk away,
    No one follows,
    When you don't speak,
    The silence captures you.
    You then notice,
    The world around you turns
    Ice cold.
    You do your best,
    but no one pays attention.
    Then you begin to think,
    Who is this person,
    What have I become,
    Who am I,
    Do i belong in this world,
    This is the point of
    No return

    So I am sorry to everyone,
    in the world and to all my friends,
    I'm sorry