• stand up

    he pushes you down
    stand up
    he says its your fault
    its not
    he says don't tell
    he tells you your ugly
    your beautiful
    he tries to control you
    live your own life
    he kicks hits hurts
    don't take it
    he tells you lies
    don't listen
    don't take the hate
    live your life
    you only have one
    you control it
    you're a person
    you don't deserve it
    don't take it
    speak up
    don't lose your life
    don't lose control

    she has no voice

    hang out with her friends seems like no big deal
    but that's one the reason fro the bruises the hurt she feels
    she has no voice
    she does nothing wrong, gets hurt, her freedom she longs for
    she has no voice
    she doesn't tell a soul scare of what he'll do
    you see the bruise she says she fell
    you brush it off
    open you eyes see whats gong on
    save the girl that has no voice
    he stole the voice from her
    be her voice
    open your eyes take in the signs
    before her voice isn't all she loses
    abuse is all around us
    open your eyes save a soul
    speak up speak for them