• As he walks onto the battle field
    he had no time to think about everyone he left behind
    For he claimed to be ready, had claimed to be willing
    And now I feel the fear release its self from his body
    He knows what must be done to save his life and to return to his family
    and the me the girl that loves him

    And as he fights he realizes he may of left just a little too soon
    For he knew that we were friends
    but he left too soon for her too tell him how much I love him

    As he fights for his country,
    for his friends
    for his life
    and for others freedom

    He feels a pain in his chest and knows that something is wrong
    And that something would be me
    Knowing he had no way to get away no way to be sent home he knew
    he had to fight and serve his time

    He sent his prayers to god hoping that everything would be okay
    and that all his friends were okay and well

    Including that girl
    he had seen the pain in her eyes when he had left
    and he knew she felt his pain

    for leaving had killed him also.

    and now he was going to fight to get home
    to go to that girl
    to make her realise he loved her.

    And now as he fights for his life
    he knows what must be done
    and he will go to any lengths to get it.