• The bright city lights are too much to keep up with
    Blinding the sky in the desolate night
    Drowning out stars, the brightness competing
    Overruled, without a fight

    I cannot stay afloat in this ocean
    The pace is too much, the current too rough
    Swimming in the opposite direction
    I stand alone

    While my peers are happy, dense, and free
    I remain locked up in eternity
    Misunderstood, I can’t turn the lights down
    I’m in the spotlight now

    This is not what I asked for
    It’s not what I meant
    When I said I wanted attention, I only meant from you
    Without you with me, I’m drowning again

    Caught up, rushed with the current
    I wonder where I’m going
    Blinded by glory of the heavens above
    Lost in the world of the arts and of love

    Lacking inside, what’s supposed to complete me
    You deny me once again
    I beg and I plead, I am on my knees
    You walk away

    The wind whispers to me, the trees they are waving
    Teardrops are falling as I’m washed away
    Swallowed by a mountains valley
    You stand, and I watch you fade

    Wondering if you truly love me
    I’m curious as to why you’re here
    Let me be free, and let me be happy
    I’ll do it myself for I have nothing to fear

    Clouds are forming, snow is falling
    I am twirling up above
    The world is mine, I am fine
    I will let myself roam again

    Not going to let someone else control me
    I am my own, my own is happy
    Smiles and laughter, they are what completes me
    I walk away

    The weather follows me, continues to play
    My scenery watches, knowing I’ll return one day
    New sights are awaiting my arrival
    I leave you waiting for a day that shall never arrive.