• Part I - The Room, the Mirror, and the Forgotten Promise.

    The Room

    Twin lovers are in the room
    Breaking down upon their rules
    The morning's coming soon
    Their passion the hot sun fuels

    Rhythmically holding song
    Joined from lip to waist
    Their love is coming strong
    A fleeting beggar's taste

    One mirrored fighting
    Sparked from a fear
    Their words are biting
    They cause a tear

    And in one blinking eye
    The disappearance of lust
    A world beget from a cry
    A land of only dust

    The Mirror

    Fresh scars appear somehow
    Upon the right hand's brow
    As it moves to the left
    Their love become bereft

    The reflective window pane
    Is opened from cold stain
    Lifting high upon the spurn
    As the earth begins to burn

    Disappear into the cold glass
    Forgiveness forlorn to pass
    Couple's image fades away
    To greet another day

    And with the final touch
    This world has taken too much
    Then shatters all beyond
    This sideways crystal pond

    The Forgotten Promise

    With the seal so closed
    Locked behind a sullen gaze
    The mirror cries alone
    And alone it surely stays

    Pathways are lost for now
    Together with a rusted promise
    Worn from the cuts of time
    Born from a will to accomplish

    To attach images to words
    Pile thoughts over a soul
    Capture someone's heart
    Memories take their toll

    So a pivotal piece forgotten
    Fallen through the crack
    Divided sense of security
    Crumbling at her back...

    Part II - The Desert World

    The right hand thrust into a sea of fire
    One sided oblivion, dead reaction, earth's ire

    Choking on the dust under his feet and in him
    Breathless exasperation from darkness, so dim

    Endless expanse for all his one eye can see
    Lost traveler of the other side's eternity

    Sprawling megalith, oasis in sweltering mist
    At the gates so closed and pounding his fist

    Shouting out to no one and to all who knows
    Words protrude from his mouth once closed

    "Let me in, let me I must escape this place
    I must leave this land without a trace"

    He stares at the tower in obscurity
    But the tower gazes back at him, it seems

    Trepidation crawling inward, thus begins to flee
    Rushing haphazardly into the sand-swept sea

    Bereft a sense of reality and direction
    Falling out of consciousness, no recollection

    Bandits of the fair, ride upon the plane
    gathering the visage, encumbering their gain

    Desert warriors stand tall under the motionless sun
    Red banners they exhibit all but the Lonely One

    The hand and eye are plain, resting before the gate
    Oasis imperial construct, blood-thirst beckoning bait

    Part III - The Ruined One

    Western eye is left to cry out her days
    Soft spoken
    Regretful for her callous ways

    Wishing she could change how it passed
    Spin back time
    No love can truly forever last

    Or so said to oneself in confusion
    Promoting pain
    Sponsored warped timid delusion

    If only she could be forgiven
    Where are you?
    Despairing wretch for all striven

    Collapsed within herself, this room
    Announced defeat
    Accepting this seemingly inevitable doom

    the place begins to rise, a calling flood
    Of tears
    Mixed together with drops of her own blood

    Come back to me my second half
    Won't you?
    To stop these tears and make me laugh

    This ruined dormitory washed away sins
    Why here?
    Is this where our relationship ends?

    Please say it isn't so!
    I love you!
    Why did you have to go?

    Part IV - The Cell

    Awakened from a dream of love's embrace
    The promise is called back to him
    it seemed so real, her touch, her face
    The dream so vile, reminder of his disgrace

    The Lonely one surrounded by thick iron bar
    No escape, a dreary personal realization
    Staring up, seeing no glowing moon or star
    Internal struggle, emotional tug of war

    Is it acceptable for a man to shed a tear?
    There is something askew with this image
    Cold shell alone full of naught but fear
    Is there any means to escape from here?

    Fluid rising, conventional edifice
    Beating against the lifeless walls
    Fighting against this cursed avarice
    Other-world dismissed sacrifice

    Wounds plead to the visceral nature of the eye
    As crying fills the lonely one's cell
    Past sparks bring furtive declarations of "Why?!"
    Is it for love this one must die?

    Duality I

    Trapped within their self-imposing cell
    Both are unique, but born of the same hell
    Twin angels these devils alone must they cry
    Together they're drowning, yet separate they die

    Part V - The Queen

    Onyx tower of Satan's clay
    Just a wicked young child
    Spreading the mother's legs
    Mother rots as the father begs
    Burst from the womb so wild
    Bridled in her daily play

    Warped by an ugly birth
    Of Temple Matron's corpse
    Mind wracked with smiles
    Dead jester's lie in piles
    Crevasse drops the lapse
    This demon shows her worth

    Usurper to the crimson throne
    Picking up hollow fracture
    Discarded sections of hope
    A Kingdom's gallows rope
    Left by old King Rapture
    This Harlequin's hellish loan

    Grown full a woman of lust
    Crown ruler of infinite sands
    Sensual hearkened duress
    Leading all to her caress
    Enticed by her soft hands
    Obey her will, they must

    The Queen of hearts
    Whether stolen or not
    They're all hers, now
    Always successful somehow
    This loveless desert, hot
    The pawns play their parts

    Gathered for her, the loves
    Of other poor souls so lost
    Grave intentions within
    This castle clothed in sin
    Derived a brilliant Faust
    Strangling all the doves


    "I am prepared for am eve's sustenance before me
    My court soldiers hear this sacred council
    So say the queen, shall be done immediately
    Templar Guard, bring forth the prisoner!"

    Part VI - The Meeting

    "Oh yes, bring him before me
    What an excellent specimen!
    A delicious meal to make
    He'll be dead in the end

    I can taste his tears, from here
    They scintillate my lust
    For pain and buried misery
    Let us smite upon his trust"

    A broken man, half alive
    Only the eye remains
    Soaked in mutual sadness
    Reflected blood in his veins

    Cast before the mistress
    Bows his head to them all
    Dismissing her pretensions
    Her wrath begins to fall

    "What is this? beg!
    Beg for your life, lout
    Let me hear your screams
    Your bloodcurdling shout!

    Why do you not speak?
    Is it you are afraid?
    You pathetic little man
    In your cell you should have stayed!

    Speak to me, wretch!
    I am your queen"
    "I am nothing"
    "You are mine, fiend!

    I own you, and thus your seed
    Filled with love from another
    Pledge to me your devotion
    Or I shall make you suffer!

    My legs spread open to you
    Are you not want of such desires?
    Do I not entice your senses
    And fuel your sexual fires?"

    "I am simply nothing"
    The lowly visage proclaims
    Lost in only The Ruined One
    He has no other love to gain

    "You loathsome little b*****d!
    I'll have you head!
    And drink of your warm blood
    From my chalice, instead!"

    Part VII - Chaos

    Drawing her steel
    At her scabbards heel
    The boy is held back
    By guards and their knack
    Holding him at bay
    Cold blade is loft and sway
    Is this his end
    Or the dawn of another day?

    "Time to die, cretin"
    Edge poised to strike
    "Your skin is now bitten
    I've dealt with your like!"
    The sentence shall ensue
    But "No!" A scream rings out
    Shoving the blade through
    Her faltered image none so stout

    Surprising burst of will to survive
    Breaking away from the soldiers in a row
    Grabbing the sword from queen's pool of blood

    "I've got to escape, return to my love, my home
    Back I say, I shall leave here alone!"

    Scanning the room, with his singular eye
    For an exit, below or on high
    Spotting a window, taking his chance
    Leaps from the tower with no final glance

    Falling, falling, falling for years
    From the onyx tower
    Black monolith raising his fears
    Dark hole his final hour
    No crashing doom to spell his defeat
    Landing in a ocean rewards his retreat...

    Part VIII - Vision

    Swimming in a pool of frown
    Loneliness her bridal gown
    The Rotten one, The Ruined
    Sick core her nerves deadened

    "Where am I" she queries soft
    As her spirit floats aloft
    Suddenly her eyes shoot wide
    This glow from which can nothing hide

    Thunderous vision rips apart the sun
    Putting instead a moon for the Other One
    A Knight errant angel in her presence
    His prayer of alleviation to commence

    "Go thee now, wretched thing
    For verily your heart doth sing
    Of touch pray hither you stay
    Tarry not or all shall fade away"

    She believed every word, this caustic illusion
    Permitted to follow his convincing intrusion

    "What must I do?"

    "Ye must take this sword befit for Kings
    This gift for thee thy truth doth rings
    And cut thy silken maiden flesh
    Enact thy own end, enabled in death
    This way alone to reclaim thine lost
    Into the nether thy soul must be tossed"

    "I shall"

    And with a final whisper of agreement
    This girl forlorn strikes down
    Embodied by way to solve her woes
    Spilling blood on loves wedding gown

    Gouging out her left eye, the only one
    Falling to die, no more for the Lonely One

    Part IX - The Lonely One

    After all the dual suffering
    We return to that very room
    Mirror is no longer hanging
    Watery grave begins to bloom

    Back in the room, no longer a home
    Begging the air for forgiveness
    Life's walls eroded, not want for loam
    Calling out to his mistress

    "Where are you?
    I love you
    I have returned my dear!
    I want you
    I miss you
    I know that you can hear!
    Why don't you answer?
    These feelings oh so true
    My heart is your dancer
    I only exist for you"

    Swimming in the cold ocean crafted of lover's will
    Searching for her, to make everything right
    To this day he hunts for her, still
    Her image is sadly nowhere in sight

    And for forever he intends to scour
    This tear-stained ocean, rolling on
    Devotedly hunting, until time's final hour
    Even though she has already gone...

    Duality II

    Loneliness is the only reality to support a life
    No end is as bittersweet as one drenched in ignorance
    Deluding existence to forget one's past strife
    These devils, the angels of involuntary dissidence.