• Heard it on the Radio

    A song playing just for me,
    singing about politics and hard work.
    Ain't it nice the people in million dollar homes
    tell me what it like to live on minimum wage.

    I ask myself, when was the last time
    they work for $5.50 an hour?
    When was the last time they had to hold on tightly
    only to let go in the end?

    I keep on listening maybe singing a long.
    They tell about the pain of saying goodbye
    not knowing where he, my soldier, is at.
    They pause for a moment, the notes go sour,
    and they disrespect everything he fighting for.

    I ask myself, when was the last time
    they smiled out goodbye in fear?
    When was the last time they lived on faith and prayers,
    tied yellow ribbons up and thought he going to make it.

    They tell me America is not beautiful anymore
    there nothing here left fighting for.
    Those soldiers are dying for lost causes,
    and heroes are a distant memory.

    I Let them speak freely what on their mind,
    but I shake my head in a lack of understanding
    Do they not know what was given up;
    just so they can sing a song, a political message to me?

    How do they sleep;
    known others have no place to lay their heads?
    How do they wake up in the morning;
    knowing somewhere a father or mother is already working?
    How do they hug their loved ones;
    knowing someone is fighting just get home to theirs?
    How do they disrespect a soldier’s life;
    knowing he fighting for their right just to do so?

    Please Mr & Mrs. Song writer,
    sing a song telling me how you live,
    how you look yourself in the mirror
    protesting my life....

    I ain’t asking you to agree, I am not telling you how to think,
    Just reminding you what it like
    to be a minium wage worker,
    in America, doing jobs you don't think I’ll do.
    I am just reminding you what it's like
    to say goodbye, to let go, to march on with out knowing.
    I am just reminding you,
    that you are an American too!