• questions in your head, ringing like the bell that awakes the dead.
    hot and quite well feed you sit in the corner, fighting a war in your head. surely most on your side are dead.
    But in their shadow, thee doth not tread. Have ye not read? what the people have said? questions in your head...ask not what the dead do say soon, oh very soon thee shall pay.

    and in your head with those whoms shadow,thee doth not tread ye shall be lead. soon they will be gone, and with god ye not be, soon thou shall see the fruits of thy questions in your head.

    and you shall finally hear the bells ringing. Their chorus will whom thou hath not seen. or rather not been.

    like a shadow, thou shall dread, and finally tread in the shadows of the dead.

    THE END (sorry if it was overly bad)