• Every time I turned today
    There was a ghost following me
    In front of me
    Right behind me
    What a frightening thing it was
    To have seen so close
    So at first I knew
    I was positive
    “It must be an apparition”
    I told myself
    But when I reached out to touch it
    It felt all too real
    Soft skin
    Scowling lips
    Dark eyes
    A heartbeat
    Too bad it was real
    Too bad for me
    A demon had been set free
    So I turned to walk away calmly
    Making sure not to run
    Or the monster might devour me
    Swallow my soul in one gulp
    Eat my heart with blood dripping from its chin
    Use my eyes to see itself
    I didn’t want that
    The monster couldn’t know I loved it
    So I kept walking
    While it followed in the same direction
    My feet felt like my heart
    Pounding on the surface of the hard floor
    I found my door
    My wooden door
    And I slammed it shut
    But hiding under the covers
    Won’t keep the monsters from eating you
    From devouring you
    Swallowing your soul in one gulp
    It slithered to the door
    Scratching softly
    It cooed
    Oh no
    It turned the knob
    Too bad I’d already locked it
    But with a chuckle the monster slid under the door
    Grabbing unto my ankles first
    Gnawing on my legs
    Next it bit down on my pelvis with a
    My spine cracked
    A claw ripped the skin of my chest
    Not my heart
    My soul
    It was going to eat it
    Blood dripping down its chin
    It licked its lips
    Leaning to kiss me
    On the lips
    Steal my soul

    But I awoke with a shudder
    In the middle of summer
    Threw off the blankets
    Oh what a horrible dream
    I splashed water on my face
    And told myself there were no such things
    As Monsters