• I turned my back
    I walked away
    They turned their backs
    And you came
    Showed me who I used to be
    I know I fell hard and fast
    Off that winding path
    The things I said
    The things I did
    You forgave me for
    And you told me
    "Come follow me now
    The time has come
    To be stronger now,"
    I was a little
    Scared at first
    That's when you said
    "Don't be afraid
    I am with you always,"
    And that calmed the storm
    That raged within
    My heart
    I realized then those
    Night I was crying
    Thinking I was alone
    You were there beside me
    You said to me
    "No matter how hard you fall
    No matter where you go, I'm there"
    So now when I
    Write the words
    On the page
    It's not anger and
    Sorrow that conquers
    What I write
    It's your eternal love
    Your eternal light
    You changed my life
    You took away my pain
    And my shame
    I know your love
    And all you did for me