• Father
    what does that word mean anymore

    Does it mean something that is never there
    Is it something that isn't close?

    Or is it just something you hear in fairytales

    Throwing a baseball around
    Does that exist now?

    Or is it gone too

    Stuck in our perfect worlds
    In front of out perfect shows
    Watching the world with unknowing eyes

    Is that what we are now

    What does that mean now

    Does it mean something in a tiny space?
    In front of a perfect box
    With nothing to do but to sit and type

    Stuck in our tiny boxes
    Hiding in our tired minds
    Seeing the world with unknowing eyes

    Is that what we are now?

    Can we even think?
    Of seeing the world
    Like we did back then
    when we saw the world
    As if it never changed