• Painful
    There is nothing better to describe it
    My body firm
    My soul weakened

    Hanging on a thin thread of consciousness
    Insanity calling to take over
    My soul crying out in pain

    The torrent of life weakening my grip
    How much more can I take
    before the tearing begins
    And I fall into the darkness

    How much more can I stand?
    The tearing has started
    But I don't want to fall

    I fall
    But where is the darkness?
    the wrenching pit
    where is that?

    A weight on my back
    Muscles working near my shoulders

    Those that will never start to tear

    Flying to the light
    I long so much to be with

    All I can think of is the light
    there is nothing else that crosses my mind

    Until I'm right in front
    I feel the terrible heat

    But there is nothing left to turn to

    Is that all there is
    The cold of darkness
    And the burning of the light

    And the tearing in my soul