• Every window has a safety lock.
    Every stairway, a banister.
    Pre-made junk is given to us at our beck and call.
    Nothing earned, yet all is owned.
    Arms outstretched, I climb onto the wall,
    Take bold strides, I can make it!
    But, realizing you have dropped your guard, you shoot out and bring me back to

    What I do is not good enough,
    What I like is distasteful.
    I know what they say,
    "The harder you hold on,
    The harder they'll pull away"
    I'm just a back up plan.
    A perfect replica of you.
    So you can live through me.
    I am you.

    I'm sure this time!
    I want to try on my own!
    I think I'm ready, I can do it!
    But you snatch me back, even when my time has come.
    Over protected.

    One day,
    I'll climb up onto the roof of my tall tower and
    I'll dance about and stand on my hands,
    And when you scream at me to "Stop it! Get down!"
    I wont.
    All the time, you will be too scared to do what I'm doing.
    I'll keep going,
    This is me! Finally!
    You can't reach me now.

    I will be free.