• You're a celestial body that brightens the blackest of corners.
    You're a chizzled sculpture that has every museum jealous.
    You're a perfect wave that every surfer wants to ride.
    Yet you have a confusing mind, please let me inside.

    Your words wrap around me in warmth and comfort.
    Your love holds me upon the highest of clouds.
    Your hugs keep me in the best of spirits.
    And I wanna see you now, where are you now?

    Your the person I want to hug and to hold.
    Your the person I want to go to for comfort.
    Your the one I want to kiss and call my own.
    But the road is far behind, and you said there's no turning back..

    However the circumstances
    No matter the instances
    Let's hope on the chances
    Just hope on the chances....
    And love me.