• Find it here on my Deviantart.

    Disaster has struck
    And I'm in this mess.
    Please, someone,
    Send out a distress.

    I move with the piano keys,
    And I write my own songs.
    I learned my own language,
    So no one can sing along.

    Love is a cruelty,
    It's just something
    That can grab an angel
    And tear off it's wings.

    Without a thought
    Without a glance.
    Without a small
    Little chance.

    We all hear the rumors
    The little whispers in our ear.
    But truth is,
    No one really hears.

    Learning the hard way
    With a little sigh and kick.
    It's all too late,
    We weren't quick.

    "A supplement for life,"
    They say.
    But I think it's something
    That kills you day after day.

    I don't want to sleep
    I just want to dream.
    I want to be conscious
    And see what it seems.

    "What a mature answer,"
    Is what everyone said.
    I reply with a quick little,
    "This is what you should have read."

    This note is the harsh truth
    A small little reminder.
    So hurry, boy,
    Go on and find her.

    Or go on girl,
    And go find him.
    Go jump in a pool of misery
    And go for a swim.

    Or girl go get girl,
    Or boy go get boy.
    'Cause this thing we call life
    Considers your heart a toy.

    "Love has no boundaries,"
    Is what some people chant.
    I reply with, "But it's not that I don't want to love,
    It's that I can't."

    My heart has hardened,
    And my teeth are grinding.
    My eyes are blank,
    And the light is oh-so-blinding.

    So listen to these rumors,
    And this silly little wall of text.
    Because you don't know
    If you will be next.