• Everybody changes. Everyone gives in. Willpower so easily broken. Always searching for someone solid to latch onto. A world of fragile things.. Everywhere people are crying and sweating and bleeding their emotions out. Gluttons for feelings only ever half-felt. Sluts whoring to anybody who quickens them. It's repulsive and it's beautiful.. Nobody wants to be alone. Their own self is never enough. Always needing somebody else to tell them they are good and right, their own word is never satisfying. So afraid that nobody's coming for you. So afraid of being forgotten once they're gone. Lives so short, mayflies born and die within a day. How rarely they cast an eye inward to themselves. Is there anything inside?.. Is it you, or what those around you have told you is you?

    This intoxicating little world of easily broken things. Everything that has ever happened, every moment passed, every life lived and died has come to create you. A lifetime's sequence of touches, tastes, sounds, smells and sights. Open yourself to me, beautiful crying, sweating, bleeding glutton, so that I can quicken myself once more.