• You can’t escape it
    It’s the cold hard truth
    Run all you want
    But you can’t hide yourself
    Underneath its still you
    Under all that hate
    All that pain
    All that sorrow
    Its still you
    You can try to fight it
    Try to escape it
    Cover it up and run away
    Won’t change a thing
    It’s still there
    Locked up in its cage
    Waiting for you to had it the keys
    Untie its hands
    And set it free
    Try and lock it up and turn away
    Try and throw away the keys and run away
    And watch it break free
    Run loose and gain dominion over you
    And I’ll be there to laugh
    And tell you what you did wrong
    I’ll tell you what to do
    Right here and now
    Forget the keys
    And let it break free
    Let it roam and gain dominion
    Embrace it for it is yourself
    And yourself you can not live without