• i wanted us to be perfect.
    i wanted us to work.
    i wanted to be with you forever.
    i wanted to never leave you.
    i wanted to keep you by my side forever.
    i wanted to have you hold me.
    i wanted you to be with me until i died.
    i wanted you to be by my dieing bed.
    i wanted all those things but they didn't matter.
    i want you to give me my space.
    i want you to just let me stand on my own.
    i want to be with someone else forever, though i don't know who.
    i want you 200 miles away from my dieing bed.
    i want you and me not to work.
    i want us not to be perfect.
    i will want you back.
    i will want you back by my side.
    i will want you back by me forever.
    i will want you at my dieing bed.
    i will want you with me until i die.
    i will want you to never leave me
    i will want you to hold me.
    but the way you keep acting,
    i want my space.
    i want some time to meet some other people.
    i want some one to hold me, but not you.
    i want someone to be by my dieing bed, but not you
    i want someone to be by me forever, but not you.
    i want someone to treat me and be perfect with me, but not you.
    not you, not now, and the way things are going, not ever
    so don't tell me i want you.
    you don't know what i want, what i wanted, or what i will ever want.
    unless you get to know me, you will never know.
    i don't want you to know.
    i just want to try to stand on my own.