• My life was once a dream come true,
    The perfect life, it would all seem
    With a prince, a princess, and happily-ever-after
    But it was all only a dream

    Once upon a time, I had found Prince Charming
    He was loyal and sweet and funny and kind
    He swept me off my feet and carried me home
    But even then, my love was blind

    We would dance and cry, skip and sing
    We would laugh and love and talk and twirl
    But it was all an illusion, all a ploy
    All a dream made up by a foolish young girl

    But even fairy tales have to end,
    A dreamer must wake from her daze
    As he kissed me goodbye, and rode off in the night
    His silhouette never left my gentle gaze

    But lo and behold, my Prince Charming found
    Another princess, this one a lie and a fake
    But he forgave her and they rode away
    With not even a prayer for my sake

    Now I sit alone, in a dream no more,
    I twirl my rose, watching birds in a rafter
    Remembering how he would once dance with me,
    And realizing there is no Happily-Ever-After