• I console with my friends.
    What it is like at the bitter end.
    Do heaven and hell exist?

    Is there really a god?
    Or is it all fraud?
    Lies that the government spews.

    So we borrow that big book.
    And decide to take a look
    At what the Bible holds.

    While reading each of us wonders.
    What the heck is up with all these blunders
    God, Jesus, the Holy ghost to us all fake, to us a hoax.

    After we're done, we throw it away.
    But then I got up and started to say
    Something that got their interest again

    "God may not be real to us three,
    But for the rest of the world just let them be.
    They can worship what they want, let them be free

    So we go outside and ride away
    But the sad story is
    Three kids lost their faith in God that day.