• She sat there now beside his bed
    Hoping and praying that he would open his eyes
    It was all her fault of what had happen
    and she felt as though she was to blame

    "Please,please open your eyes"
    she begged and pleaded
    but her cries went unheard

    Tears now began to pour down her face
    And her hands were rolled up into fist
    clutching her clothing hoping it would stop the crying
    if only a little.

    'Will he ever...'
    she began to think
    'Will he ever open his eyes again'
    'Will he ever be able to hold my hand again'
    'Will he ever be able to smile at me again'
    'Will he ever be there to open that door for me when i return home?

    The girl began to cry more and more
    as the tears poured out faster and thicker
    she squeezed her eyes tight never wanting to open
    them again until he awake to tell her that he loved her

    The heart monitor that was attached to him continued
    to beep like nothing ever happen
    was all that could be heared

    Then there was silence
    the girl couldn't move
    she couldn't talk
    she couldn't hear
    she couldn't see

    She limped over her chair
    and fell silently onto the floor
    she had died when he had

    the thought she had still lingered on in that room
    but only now it was
    'will they ever?'