• Mom I'm scareed
    You told me I would always be with you
    And you lied.You let me go
    I was always scared of dying
    But now i accept it
    Now i know that you never wanted me
    I don;t blame you for not wanting me

    I mean i know that i'm not perfect
    But still, i will miss you being my mom
    Even though i was only five
    I understand what death is and what it does.

    You don't remember do you mom?
    I was there to see dad die
    All you said was that he deserved it
    Tell me mom, why did dad deserve to die?
    Just because he actually paid attention to me?
    If that's not the reason then, why?

    Mom i hope you're safe
    Even though you left me alone to die
    I forgive you
    But becauseof what you did to me, im gone forever
    One good thing is that now that i'm dead is,
    I'm with dad and he says that he is sorry for what he did
    And so am i mom.
    Even though me and dad are dead
    Me and him both promise to protect you
    No matter what happens to you, remember me and him
    Will protect you forever

    They say a heart is fragile
    Like a new born baby
    Mom i was fragile
    Because i was your baby
    And i will always be you baby
    In your heart.