wut do u say to some one u love who's hurtin themselves but don't see it
    how do u tell them that the one they love is not who they assume they are
    if u like me u can't stand by and watch them hurt themsevels thinkin
    there in love wit this fake wen the real thing is right in front of them there lookin
    for that one person to make them smile laugh and feel good about themsevels
    but there lookin in the wrong place yet u don't want to say anything because
    because you'll seem like your jelious and you refuse to put on a front even though its hurtin you inside to watch it how she runs her game on him wishin he'd open
    his eyes and look around and finallly notice u but they only sees you as a friend and nothin more and nothin less ITS KILLIN ME ON THE INSIDE HOW I HIDE MY FEELINGS FOR YOU BUT I RATHER SUFFER THEN SAY SOMETHING THAT WILL HURT YOU I CAN BE A WOMAN ABOUT IT AND LET YOU GO BUT IF I SAY I WOULD IT WOULD BE A LIE I LOVE YOU ALOT so if u hate me after you read this i understand i won't argue i'll walk away but it'll hurt wen i do they say the best friends are the ones that will sit down and tell you wuts goin on the ones that will help you see the light i wish wit all my heart i could turn your tears to roses but i guess i'll have to wait and see how u feel about wut i just said I LOVE YOU AND THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE hopefully u feel the same