• There are 3 secret doors in your body, whose keys intertwine with reality.
    One key to keep, the other is to share, and 3rd to give away.
    Those keys are the keys to your heart, soul, and mentality
    and the door to those keys have hidden treasures they say...

    The key to your heart bears love, lust, and affection
    but sometimes the owner can be so foolish and dumb
    That he/she allows the pursuer to spread a hurtful infection.
    Then the keys to your heart becomes broken and numb.

    The key to your mentality bears dreams, ideas, and philosophy
    but the owner makes a mistake by causing fear & shyness to become a muzzle.
    If the mind can't express itself the owner is a mere puppet, then a catastrophe.
    but when the owner is brave, he/she allows the mind to answer life's puzzle.

    The key to your soul bears that *spark*, desire, and creativity.
    For the soul is your eternal character, a reflection of your heart and mind.
    This key is also an amazing gift because if scratched, its door is scarred for eternity.
    but when your soul is healed & happy, life will seem so friendly and kind.

    The love and mind keys are to bring hope and change to this world,
    While the key to your soul: are mirror images of you and God in one mold.
    But with a tortured soul, a numb heart, and a puppet mind,
    reality will be harsh when these keys intertwine.