• You hurt me.
    You don't seem to care in the end.
    What do you think this will do to me?
    This message I always send.
    I hope you know that the people will know.
    I only have one person that understands.
    My anger towards you always seems to grow.
    The eagle of hate finally lands.
    How am I to get this to you?
    Your past yellings hurt my head.
    I will never forgive you.
    You make me wish I was dead.
    I feel bad for my sister.
    She always gets yelled in her ear.
    You turn your anger on to her.
    My voice can you hear!?
    Hurting me for no good reason.
    No wonder my mom left you.
    Its the same every season.
    Read my words that you now have to chew.
    Ask me how I feel when you scream at me.
    Ask my sister when you basically beat her.
    Ask my mom when you would never let her be.
    The only person you care about is you and my brother.
    My body hurts for what I've had to go through.
    The only reason why I'm still here is so I can use you.
    This mountain called life I must climb.
    Your suppose to be a fatherly man.
    My feelings seem to amount to nothing.
    My soul you try to damn.
    You know that I am something.
    The sadness is awkward.
    You only bring me pain.
    I try to push myself forward.
    The pain that I gain.
    I try to be myself.
    Your patience runs dry.
    You care nothing about my health.
    Talking to you I've already tried.
    Looking for the hope that maybe you will believe in me.
    Once I get older I will surpass.
    Someday you will see.
    That the hate you put in me will build into a mass.
    A massive chain that's hard to break.
    You chain me to your chores.
    My soul I will not let you take.
    Every word you say is like kicking me to your floors.
    So now ask me how I feel about you.
    I will ask you if you hate me that much.
    I want to hear your words be true.
    My bone under your ugly feet I can hear crunch.
    Ask me now, don't ask me later.
    You turned me into a sinner.
    The misery of other people I cater.
    A sin that's only for a beginner.
    Ask me how I feel when I'm screamed at.
    Ask my sister who's always been hit.
    My life ends in this little black cat.
    My mom will always give you a fit.
    Ask me how my life will end.
    Your will not extend.
    I wish I could scream back at you.
    What if I told you that I hate you.
    Now what are you going to do.
    You know what... screw you.