• My Angel, lost, but never forgotten.

    You left this Earth before your time, but will never be forgotten.
    You taught me so much over the short time we were together--
    You taught me responsibility, compassion, and friendship. I will never forget that.

    You were strong when I was weak. You were there when I was in need.
    But when you needed me the most, I was nowhere to be found.
    I regret the day I faltered--- now you are no more...
    I would give my life just to bring you back, if only for a day.
    A day to hold you, a day to kiss you, a day to say that I love you.
    You are my Angel, and will never be forgotten.----

    There is not a day that I do not think about you,
    A day that does not hurt at the thought of your face, and what you gave me.
    A thought that says "what if", what if I stood up, stood up and protected you,
    Would you still be here in my arms?
    I miss you so much--
    It feels like someone is choking the life out of me every time I think of you...
    Trying to kill me as well, trying to vanquish the hurt, trying to relieve me of this body.
    But I will not let them, as the pain reminds me of what once was.
    You are lost forever, but never forgotten, my beautiful Angel...