• Dear Daddy,

    Don’t lie to me,
    I’ll now.
    Don’t talk to me,
    Just go.
    Now Listen

    You can think that I'm too young,
    To make the right decision.
    And that I'm to immature,
    Like I still have child’s vision.

    I know you want what’s right for me,
    I know that you just care.
    I know you think your doing best,
    But I don’t want you there.

    I don’t know what you were thinking,
    When you took my love and life.
    I'm sorry if this causes you.
    Lots of pain and strife.

    You must know that I will miss you,
    But I really have to go.
    For there are things that I must do,
    But these things you can not know.

    I have asked you a many things,
    A billion times or more.
    But now there’s nothing you can say,
    To keep me in this door.

    Soon you won’t remember me,
    Soon you will not care.
    I'm sorry that I broke your heart,
    For every single tear.

    There is no final hug,
    Or a kiss good-bye.
    Daddy, if your reading this,
    I don’t want you to cry.

    I don’t deserve a tear you shed,
    I didn’t listen to your word.
    Don’t try to stop me now,
    For I'm flying like a bird.

    I don’t know how I’ll see you,
    Or if I'm coming back.
    I didn’t choose the wrong path, dear dad,
    I just chose a different track.

    Love Always,
    Your Baby Girl