• I worry everyday and every night I pray
    That you’re not using me again
    For if you are my heart will truly break
    This time the pain will burst like fire through my veins
    And the tears will flow in rivers of pouring rain
    You could put no ideas together in your mind
    That would give you a taste of the salty pain
    That flows through my heart everyday
    Worry, worry, worry day and night
    He’s just using you run take flight
    Fly high above the salty seas of lies
    Swim low into the oceans of the blackest truths
    Soar through the pain into the glory of the ancient sun
    And as the sun boils and burns you in its sweltering heat
    Feel the warmth eating you alive
    Feel it take you into its caring grasps and evaporate your soul
    Into the thinnest of airs where god is waiting to make you his own
    Every day I ponder what you truly mean
    I question and question your words
    Trying to get freedom from this burden of a heavy heart
    Asking you questions that I ponder daily
    To free myself of their steely grasp
    Yet you shun them you throw them in my face with spit
    And I quiver away like a beaten dog in my mind
    Shutting myself closer and safer inside
    Believing more and more each day that soon I will awake
    And know the day when I shall rid myself of you
    And the pain that you fill me to bursting
    As it crushes my heart and burns my fingertips
    I will awake and know the day where it all end for me
    Dancing in the moonlight with the angels
    All I can ask of you than is to forgive and smile