• As i lie in bed looking at my white ceiling,
    thinking what to where tommorrow,
    my friends were all emo,
    and i didnt think it was cool,
    but thats what everyone is doing so i thought i would to,
    i walked out the house that day with a long sleave black shirt,
    i arrived at the bus stop as my friends were showing there cuts,
    they had so many and i only had three,
    as they laughed at me i had to bring up my rep,
    that night i got home i started my record,
    7 minutes later i had so many cuts i couldnt count and i was getting woozy,
    then i covered themup and went to lie down to show them off at school tommorrow,
    then i fell into a deep sleep,
    when i woke up i was in a firey place,
    very auful,
    i thougt i was having a nightmare,
    but i couldnt wake up and then i relized why,
    i was in the worst place of all,
    that place is called hell.