• love isnt just about happiness and having a ball
    its actually not like that, not at all
    love is just the mixture of sadness and hate
    but no one ever realizes it until its too late
    the sadness is getting your heart broken
    along with the feel of it burning and smokin
    your heart turns blue as you catch a flu
    but not just a flu, a flu of loneliness and depression
    along with a hint of aggression
    the hate is your heart turning full black
    it is not a feeling anyone could lack
    hate is that fire within the sadness
    it is full of danger and madness
    the hate in your heart takes everything
    not even to leave a slight something
    not happiness, not sadness, not even the bit of joy
    hate is not something to mess with, hate is not a toy
    so next time you see someone who seems to be in love
    just remember from above
    that love isnt just about happiness and having a ball
    its not like that not at all