• On the weekend I saw my daddy.
    On the weekend he was my daddy.
    But only for a weekend.
    During the week he was my father.
    The person who signed my birth certificate.
    The person who I had 2 minute conversations with on the phone.
    The person that sent checks in the mail.
    The person who I tried not to talk about to my friends.
    The person I knew close to nothing about.
    That's all he was.
    But when the weekend came,
    he went back to being my daddy.
    The man I thought would always be there.
    The man who I looked at and thought no one could beat.
    The man who would do anything for me
    Even if it meant hurting himself.
    But then Sunday would come
    I would go back to my momma
    And that man who I called daddy only yesterday
    Would be my father again.